Most businesses utilize email marketing as a marketing tactic to cross sell new business or for retention purposes. It is pretty rare for an organization to develop a comprehensive email marketing strategy to increase subscription, cross sell, etc that goes beyond email marketing and the basic email metrics. Some email marketing solutions even provide industry averages for those metrics.
The email marketing strategy should go well beyond simple open rates, click through rates, and industry averages. The content of the emails and promotional materials should have a consistent look and feel as well as being customer centric. By customizing the message to the different types of customers or service offerings, it should improve the overall effectiveness of email marketing campaign.
6 Tips to Consider Before Implementing Your Email Marketing Strategy:
1. Segment Your Opt-in List by customer type or services offering
2. Test Your Message & Layout by segments
3. Integrate Email Solutions with Analytical Solutions
4. Implement Social Media functionality
5. Implement Triggers for Follow-ups and Tailored Materials
6. Create Effective Landing Pages to Reinforce the Marketing Message
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